<<La vie, le malheur, l'isolement, l'abandon, la pauvréte, sont des champs de bataille qui ont leurs héros; héros obscurs plus grands parfois que les héros illustres >>
l'isolement- isolation
l'abandon- abandon
champs de bataille- battle field
poudre à canon- gunpowder
les pompiers- firemen
La citation dit que les héros existent partout. Ils existent dans les conditionnes malheureux. Dans Les Mis, Gavroche a montré sa détermination pour la justice. Gavroche se sacrifice pour le Révolution Française. Il est allé au champs de bataille avec courage. Il est mort quand il prend poudre à canonpour les peuples. Gavroche est le héros, mais il n'est pas un héros illustres.
La citation est montré que les héros existent partout. Dans Les Mis, les héros sont Jean Valjean et Marius. Jean Valjean a cherche Cosette quand la mère est mortée. Il actes comme un sauveur de Cosette qui est une source d'inspiration. Marius se sacrifie pour Révolution Française. Il prend le rôle de la véritable héros en raison de sa bravoure. Ils étaient les héros les plus évidents.
Les héros illustres sont parminous. Par example, les peuples que répondre au téléphone pour 911 sont les héros. Ils aident les gens dans le besoin avant que les gendarmes ou les pompiers. Ils restent sur le téléphone quand vous ne vous sentez pas en sécurité. Une fois que les héros évidents viennent, ils raccrocher et aider une autre personne dans le besoin.
Les Mis was overall a kind of dark movie that by the end started to irritate me with all of its music. I love a good singing movie, but not when the characters sing simple conversation. My favorite actors were Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, and Amanda Seyfried. I loved Hugh Jackman because he played the character perfectly especially in the seen where he first escaped parole. Anne Hathaway surprised me because the last movie I saw with her in it was Get Smart. In Les Mis she portrayed her character really well by convincing me she could've been a prostitute. Amanda Seyfried I liked because her voice was surprisingly pretty. The only two scenes that moved me were when Gavroche got shot and when Jean Valjean and Marius swam in poop. Gavroche's death saddened me because he was an innocent little kid who was looking for where he belonged, while the poop scene when Jean Valjean was carrying Marius in poop horribly disgusted me to the point where I had to look away. The music was the whole story because it expressed the feelings that simple talk couldn't. The emotions came across clearer when they sang because they had their heart in it. My favorite song was "On my Own" by Eponine. I've heard it before and she sang it beautifully. I learned that peasants and prostitutes had a horrible and unsanitary life, and would do almost anything for a little bit of money. I also learned that politics were much more strict back then, such as when Jean Valjean had to go to parole every week. Prison was also much worse because they had to tow boats on their shoulders. I noticed a constant theme of darkness throughout the movie. There was always a next person to die, which was quite morbid. In fact every person died except for Marius, Cosette, and the Thénardiers. I can't say I would see the movie again, but overall I enjoyed the movie.
Les Miserables (the movie)
Jordanna's mind/ memory
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